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Access Journey

  • Updated

Custom access journeys allow you to deliver the content you want to visitors when they connect to your WiFi.

Include video, advertisements, promotions, custom T&Cs, URL redirects, important venue information and more to educate your visitors, personalize the experience, and encourage them to spend. You can even build different access journeys for different venues to further personalize and improve engagement.

To build a custom access journey, go to Onboarding > Access Journeys.

New access journey

  1. Click Create New Journey and complete the fields as follows:


    Enter a name for the access journey.

    Ownership scope

    Determines the ownership level of the scope, for example, venue level makes the access journey accessible to venue managers and above.

    Owned by

    Choose which venue owns the journey.

  2. Click Create New, each tab within the access journey allows you to customize your visitors journey, as required. The information for each tab is outlined below.

Splash page

Within this tab you can assign an offline splash page to an access journey. This is the page which appears to a visitor when they connect to your WiFi. You must create the pages before you assign them to an access journey.

From the Splash page template drop-down, choose the required page. You can choose to preview the content in Desktop and Mobile format by selecting the appropriate icon in the top right-hand corner:

Custom terms

  1. Select Enable Custom Terms.

  2. Complete the fields as follows:

    Specify new terms name

    Add the name of the terms, this is for internal reference only, the visitor does not see this name.

    Specify your terms link text

    Add the text you want to show to visitors.


    The version number of the terms and conditions. This is a manual field for information only, it does not update when you add new terms with the same name.

  3. In the terms text section enter the text you want to show to visitors. You can style the text using the options available. If you prefer to work in HTML you can view and edit the source code.

  4. Click Save.

    You can Edit, Preview and Remove the terms from the ellipsis. Within Edit you can only change the terms name as visitors may have already accepted these terms, if you want to change the terms content you need to create new terms.

Micro survey

Within this tab you can assign a micro survey to an access journey, the micro survey is either shown to the visitor after they sign in to the WiFi or sent via email two hours later. You must create the micro surveys before you assign them to an access journey and they must be set to Include within visitor's access journey.

From the Micro survey template drop-down, choose the required survey.


Within this tab you can assign a LogicFlow to each part of the visitor's journey. LogicFlow determines the action which occurs for the visitor. You must create the LogicFlow before you can assign it to an access journey. Selecting 'New LogicFlow' opens the feature. You can assign a LogicFlow to the following stages of the access journey:

  • Offline - This runs before the visitor logs in and authenticates onto the WiFi. You can use different decisions to display different splash pages.

  • Interstitial - This occurs after the visitor signs in but before the visitor connects. You can use this option to show visitors a video. For more information about this, refer to Interstitial Video.

  • Online - This runs after the visitor successfully authenticates onto the WiFi. You can use the different action node options to show a splash page, redirect, webhook, E-shot or SMS. If you have a redirect within a LogicFlow, this runs before any redirects within the Redirect tab.

Choose your desired LogicFlow from the appropriate drop-down:


You can create a URL redirect which visitors are redirected to once they have authenticated onto the WiFi. URL redirects can redirect visitors to either an online URL or an online splash page template. You can create up to 20 redirects per access journey and you can add conditions to each redirect to determine which visitors are redirected to which URLs. If you have a redirect within a logic flow on the Logic Flow tab, this runs before any redirects within this tab.

  1. Click New Redirect.

  2. Complete the fields as follows:


    Redirect name, this is internal only and does not appear to the visitor.

    Select redirect type

    Choose either a URL redirect or an online splash page template.

    Specify your url

    Only shows if the redirect type is URL. Enter the URL you want visitors to be redirected to.

    Select a splash page template

    Only shows if redirect type is splash page. Choose the splash page you want to redirect visitors to.

  3. If you want to add conditions to the redirect, click Add new rule set.

  4. From the drop-down choose a condition. You can choose from the following conditions:

    • Age

    • Gender

    • Number of visits to venue

    • Birthday

    • Last visit

    • Platform

    • Browser

  5. Chose the relation (is, is not, less than, greater than, etc.) and enter the condition.

  6. If you want to add more conditions use And to match all of the conditions or use Add another rule set to create an 'or' statement which matches any of the conditions.

  7. Click Save.


The following options are available as part of the access journey.

Seamless login

Seamless login allows a returning visitor back onto the WiFi without the need to enter their login details again. For more information about this setting, please refer to Seamless Login and Roaming Seamless Login.

Interrupt seamless logins for a micro survey

Interrupts the seamless login if the micro survey is new or changed since the visitor last completed it.

Age opt in

Enables an age restriction to opt in to marketing campaigns. When you enable this option you can enter the age you want visitors to be to opt in to the campaigns.

Test and Trace access journey

This is only available in Region 2.

Redirects visitors to a Test and Trace registration page to capture their contact details and the date and time of their visit. For more information, please refer to Test and Trace.

Age restriction enabled

Visitors under a defined age cannot access the WiFi. When you enable this you can choose what age you want to restrict and what message displays to visitors under the age restriction.

When enabled, date of birth becomes a mandatory field for visitors in order to access the WiFi.

Ask for Facebook 'Like'

Prompts visitors who sign in via Facebook to like your Facebook page before they access the WiFi.

Ask visitors to opt-in to marketing material

Prompts visitors to opt-in to marketing material.

You cannot turn this setting off in Region 2 as it is mandatory for GDPR purposes.

By default, visitors agree to accept

If you specifically require visitors to agree to opt-in to marketing material this must be off. If this is on it automatically checks the opt-in checkbox.

You cannot turn this setting on in Region 2 as it is mandatory for GDPR purposes.

Enable separate marketing opt-in window

Determines if the marketing opt-in appears in a separate window or a tab next to the data and location on the access journey.

Enable Verify email verification

Verifies all email addresses visitors provide during login to ensure they are valid. If you want to block email addresses which are not valid, you must select Block email addresses that are reported as undeliverable by Verify.

If you don't block access this allows the visitor to log in to the WiFi with an invalid email address but marks the email address as invalid on the CRM record.

Block email addresses that are reported as undeliverable by Verify

If Verify identifies the email address as undeliverable this means emails cannot be sent to the address. If you select this option it blocks users from using an undeliverable email address when they log in.

Verify identity via SMS

Visitors must enter a valid mobile phone number, a four digit code is sent to the mobile number and the visitors must enter this on the splash page to continue the access journey.

You can only use this feature if you have an SMS connector set up.

Enable iOS Captive Network Assistant exit

This option is only available when a SAML connector for Staff WiFi is active.

When an iOS device connects to a WiFi network and detects the presence of a captive portal, it launches the captive network assistant, which is a pop-up mini-browser that shares no cookies with the user's real browser, has no persistent cookies (i.e. every time it launches it has no history of a user's past logins), and it has several security features such as the inability to launch apps via deep links. This prevents users from being able to reach the Google/Microsoft Azure login page for Staff WiFi, this setting bypasses the captive portal in order to gain access to the login page.

When you enable this setting and a staff member uses an iOS device they receive an extra login screen with the message "Click here to join the WiFi". This takes place outside of the captive portal so they can access the Google login page and the WiFi.

Enable background speed tests for clients onboarding to the WiFi

Tests the upload and download speed of the visitor's connection to help you identify areas within your building where the WiFi speed isn't as fast as it could be.

The results of the speed test are shown within Analytics.

Percentage of devices to perform speed tests

The percentage of visitors you want to perform the speed test on.

When you run this it uses bandwidth on your network so you must ensure the percentage is at a level which does not impact the network performance. You should ensure it is set to a threshold where it's unlikely to run on two visitors simultaneously.

Tiered bandwidth

Tiered bandwidth allows you to charge visitors for WiFi usage by time, speed or data. You must create the tiered bandwidth plans before you can use them within the access journey.

  1. Select Enable tiered bandwidth.

  2. Within Assigned Plans, select the plans you want to apply to the access journey.

  3. Within Tiered bandwidth options, select your payment method.

Out of hours

You can show a different splash page to visitors when they try to connect the WiFi when your business is closed. You must set up your splash page and WiFi access hours before you can apply them to the access journey. The WiFi access hours determine when the business is open or closed and therefore when to display the out of hours splash page.

  1. Select Enable out of hours Splashpage.

  2. From the Out of hours splashpage drop-down, choose the splash page you want to show when you are closed.

  3. From the WiFi Access Hour templates drop-down, choose the access hours you want this to apply to.

Language options

The following automated translation options are only available for standard splash page templates, not custom HTML versions. 

  1. Within the access journey, click Save > Create language version.

  2. Choose your required language from the drop-down.

  3. Click 'Would you like us to carry out the translation now?' and choose the current language from the drop-down. 

  4. If you want to translate your custom terms, click 'Would you like us to translate your custom terms?' Please note this uses machine translation, which may not be 100% accurate so should be double checked. 

  5. To use the previously created splash page template, if one is available, select the respective option.

  6. Click Create. When the translation is complete, click Yes to review the journey or No to return to the options page:


Clicking create will make a new hierarchical Language Version of the Access Journey, with dropdowns showing the Access Journey languages created:


The same dropdown system shows offline Splash Page languages created:


If selected, the text boxes you have created will show as translated on the new 'Language Version' of the Splash Page. Text and images can be updated on this Splash Page independently of the original Splash Page, to better cater to your multilingual clients:


You can preview how this will look using the relevant option in the top right of the screen. You might need to use the 'Language switcher' at the bottom of the Splash Page, depending on your browser language settings:



Publish an access journey

  1. To publish the access journey, click Publish.

  2. Select what level you would like to apply the journey to from the drop-down, this determines where this access journey is active.

  3. Select each relevant level from the available drop-downs.

  4. To finalize and publish the journey, click Publish.

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