Test and trace (more commonly known as Track and Trace) offers enterprise-class functionality which allows users to capture the contact details of visitors before they enter the venue using the guest WiFi authentication process.
As well as capturing the contact information of the visitor, Purple automatically logs the time and date of their visit making it easier to identify any visitors that may have been exposed to another visitor who is showing symptoms. If unfortunately one of your visitors tests positive for COVID-19, our solution can identify everybody else that was present in the venue at the same time. We can coordinate with authorities on your behalf and ensure that all visitors are alerted that they may have come into contact with someone that has tested positive.
Enable Test and Trace
Note: This is only available for Region 2, to activate this feature in another region please contact Support.
To enable Test and Trace you must update the options within the Access Journey.
Click Onboarding > Access journeys and select the required access journey.
Click Options and select Test and Trace access journey.
Click Save and Publish.
In order to use this feature you must also switch off MAC authentication from the Venue level settings page, this does not impact seamless login for returning visitors.
Click Management > Venues > Settings and ensure MAC authentication is off.
Visitor Test and Trace WiFi access journey
With test and trace enabled, when visitors authenticate onto the WiFi they are redirected to a Test and Trace registration page.
Visitors are required to enter their name and mobile number and then click Register. They can then either register another visitor, or join the WiFi.
If the visitor chooses to register another visitor, they are redirected back to the registration page, where they can complete the process again.
If the visitor chooses to join the WiFi, the access journey continues as normal (i.e. the visitor is redirected to the offline splash page).
Note: No data is shared between the Test & Trace registration form and the normal WiFi login.
Returning visitors (who are recognized by their MAC address, to any venue within the same company), are invited to register again automatically which uses the same details provided on the previous visit, or register again with new details. No personal details of the returning visitor are shown on the registration form.
Direct links to register visitors
Direct links are available via our Support team for each venue. This allows venue staff to register a visitor on their behalf (if they do not have a WiFi enabled device available).
These short links look exactly the same as the registration page above, but without the option to join the WiFi and without any automatic recognition of returning visitors.