BLE Beacons
Find out more about BLE beacons, what the minimum requirements are and what configuration is required to use these with Purple.
Kiosk Specifications
The minimum requirements your kiosks need in order to use Wayfinding.
Implementation Graphics
A list of the graphics required for Wayfinding.
Maps Mark Up
How to mark up your map images in order to create the routes for Wayfinding.
Menus and Destinations
How to categorize your destinations into main menus and sub-menus so visitors can easily navigate through the Wayfinding solution.
Test the Wayfinding Mobile App
How to test your mobile application to ensure all routes and destinations are correct.
Test the Wayfinding Web App
How to test your website application to ensure all routes and destinations are correct.
Wayfinding from Epic MyCharts
How to connect Wayfinding to Epic MyCharts to ensure your patients reach their appointments on time.