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My Account

  • Updated

My Account contains all of the information about your Purple portal login, you can see information about when you last logged in, which company you are assigned to and your access role. You can also update your details, change your password and manage 2 factor authentication.

All CRM downloads are stored within My Account so you can easily access this information.

To access My Account, click the user logo > My account

Manage 2 factor authentication (2FA)

2FA strengthens security within Purple platform and the risks associated with compromised passwords. When active, 2FA requires two methods of authentication to verify your identity, the first method is your password and the second method is a software token.

To generate a software token you need to use an authentication app such as Google Authenticator or Authy, which you can download on an iOS or Android device, then use your password and the software token to log in to the portal.

Activate 2FA

  1. Click Manage 2 Factor Authentication.

  2. Scan the code with your authentication app, enter the 6 digit code, click Verify and click Click here to continue.

    2FA is now active on your account, next time you log in, you must use the verification application to generate the 6 digit authentication code. You can delay the entry of the token by 30 days if you select Remember this device for 30 days when you log in.

Remove 2FA

  1. Click My accountManage 2 Factor Authentication.

  2. Enter your 6 digit authentication code, click Remove 2 Factor Authentication and click Click here to continue.

If you have any queries regarding this or if you lose access to your authentication app, please contact Support.

Change password

If you want to update your password on the Purple portal, click Change password, enter your current password and your new password and click OK.

Change details

If you need to make any changes to your personal details, enter the information in the required field and click Save details.

Email notifications & reminders

If you want to receive an email reminder when you haven't logged in to the portal for 60 days, click Portal Login Reminder.

Stored downloads

When you generate a CRM download it saves the file to the Stored downloads section so you can download it at any time. To download the report, click Download on the required file. The downloads expire after 7 days when you'll need to generate a new download.

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