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For every visitor that connects to your guest WiFi, Purple creates a CRM record; significantly increasing the number of leads you can capture as a business. All of the data is captured compliantly, with visitors accepting the T&Cs while authenticating onto the network.

The CRM record captures information about the visitor as well as their visits, it includes which venues they have visited, how they connected, what devices they used, what marketing campaigns have been sent, their social interest and if they've paid for any sessions. If you have any CRM connectors, such as Salesforce, the information from the connector also shows within the CRM record.

All of the CRM data is available for you to access and analyze from a centralized database within the Purple platform within MarketingCRM.

Profile download

  1. Within CRM, click a user's profile image or View.

  2. Within the user profile, click Download profile.

  3. Choose to download either CSV or PDF, the download starts automatically.

PDF example

CSV example

All users download

  1. Filter the CRM view to show the records by a date range or by profile criteria with Visitor tags.

  2. Click Download, enter a date range and choose one of the following:

    • Legacy - This is the original user list and does not include the User ID in the first column.

    • Users - This user list does include the User ID in the first column, this makes it easier to identify users across multiple CSV files and other downloads

  3. Click Confirm.

  4. An email is sent to you as soon as the download is available and you can download the file from My account.

Users download example

Legacy download example

Sessions download

The sessions download shows you how many sessions there have been for each user, as well as the information about each session, such as the connection method, venue, MAC address and session time.

    1. Filter the CRM view to show the records by a date range or by profile criteria with Visitor tags.

    2. Click Download, enter a date range, choose Sessions and click Confirm.

  1. An email is sent to you as soon as the download is available and you can download the file from My account.

Sessions download example

Social interests download

The social interests download shows the user ID as well as the social interest category and subcategory.

    1. Filter the CRM view to show the records by a date range or by profile criteria with Visitor tags.

    2. Click Download, enter a date range, choose Social interests and click Confirm.

  1. An email is sent to you as soon as the download is available and you can download the file from My account.

Social interests download example

Personal Identifiable Information (PII)

Some information stored in a user’s profile is considered personal identifiable information (PII). Not all portal users who have access to CRM are able to view PII – this should be determined in accordance with your company’s policy on access to PII.

The Show personal identifiable information option within Permission Profiles determines what visitor data a user can see when they view a user’s profile within CRM, download a profile card and download the CRM CSV.

Device MAC Addresses

As with personally identifiable information in user profiles, the Show device mac address option within Permission Profiles determines whether or not a user can view the MAC address of the devices within CRM.

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