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Marketing Opt-in Messaging

  • Updated

Marketing opt-in messages are now customizable from the Purple platform. 

The functionality to change the messaging and opt-in settings can be found within Onboarding > Access Journey > Options.

Custom messaging

From the Onboarding > Access Journeys > Options screen, a toggle is available to ask visitors to opt-in to marketing material.

When selected, the following options are available:


Ask visitors to opt-in to marketing material: Should be turned on when you require visitors to opt-in to receive marketing material from you.

Allow visitors to opt in to WiFi service provider marketing: Turn on to allow end users to agree to receive marketing communications from the WiFi service provider. When toggled off, no communications will be sent due to lack of opt-in.

By default, visitors agree to accept: When toggled on, the box to opt-in will be pre-ticked. When off, visitors will need to tick/check the box themselves.

When visitors are asked to opt-in to marketing material and the toggle to allow visitors to opt-in to WiFi service provider marketing is off, both the text from the marketing opt-in message and agreement prompt will display.

These messages can be changed by typing in each box respectively. HTML is supported: 

Supported HTML tags

The following tags are supported in custom messaging:

<p><br><b><i><strong><em><a><ul><ol><li><img src alt><h1><h2><h3><h4><h5><h6>

Dual opt-in

Dual opt-in refers to both of the following toggles being enabled:

  • “Ask visitors to opt-in to marketing material”
  • “Allow visitors to opt in to WiFi service provider marketing”

This means visitors will be asked to opt-in to general marketing material as well as marketing from the WiFi service provider.

Dual opt-in functionality was already supported, with the new functionality allowing editing of the messaging. Dual opt-in can be turned on at the White Label level with admin permissions. The switch to do so can be found in Settings > Splash page settings > ‘Allow WiFi users to opt-in to marketing at the white label level’.

By default, “Ask visitors to opt-in to marketing materials” is automatically on. If the company is an EU entity it is forcibly set to ‘on’ due to regulatory reasons.

When the “Allow visitors to opt in to WiFi service provider marketing” is toggled on, it removes the “Agreement prompt” section and replaces it with the following checkbox options.

The company name and WiFi service provider will automatically update in the following text:

Marketing opt in messaging checkboxes.png

Updated default messaging

When you delete the Marketing opt-in message, it inserts default text. There are four default values, depending on whether:

  1. Dual opt in is enabled and the Profile Portal is disabled
  2. Dual opt in is enabled and the Profile Portal is enabled. In this case, a second paragraph also displays
  3. Dual opt in is disabled and the Profile Portal is disabled
  4. Dual opt in is disabled and the Profile Portal is enabled. In this case, a second paragraph also displays

Information on the Profile Portal is available here

The default text for the Agreement prompt is "By clicking accept you agree to receive marketing".

The four default text blocks for Marketing opt-in are (click to enlarge):

Dual opt in is enabled and the profile portal is disabled

Screenshot 2024-03-15 at 15-57-04 MAli UK V11 - Purple WiFi - WiFi Access.png


Dual opt in is enabled and the profile portal is enabled


Screenshot 2024-03-15 at 15-57-14 MAli UK V11 - Purple WiFi - WiFi Access.png


Dual opt in is disabled and the profile portal is disabled

Screenshot 2024-03-15 at 15-56-59 MAli UK V11 - Purple WiFi - WiFi Access.png


Dual opt in is disabled and the profile portal is enabled

Screenshot 2024-03-15 at 15-57-11 MAli UK V11 - Purple WiFi - WiFi Access.png



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