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ADTRAN Bluesocket

  • Updated

Logging in

Please log in to your Bluesocket WLAN controller.

Accounting Server

At the top, click Configuration and then on the left, under External Authentication, click Accounting.

Click Create Accounting Server and enter the following:

Name: guest1
Enabled: Enabled
IP Address: *insert radius_server_ip here*
Port: 1813
Shared Secret: *insert radius_secret here*
Shared Secret Confirmation: as above
Timeout: 5
Retries: 5
Interim Updates Enabled: Enabled
Interim Update Interval: 300

Click Create Accounting Server.

Click on Create Accounting Server again and enter the following:

Name: guest2
Enabled: Enabled
IP Address: *insert radius_server2_ip here*
Port: 1813
Shared Secret: *insert radius_secret here*
Shared Secret Confirmation: as above
Timeout: 5
Retries: 5
Interim Updates Enabled: Enabled
Interim Update Interval: 300

Click Create Accounting Server.

Authentication Server

Next, on the left, under External Authentication click on Servers. Click on Create Authentication Server and enter the following:

Type: RadiusWebAuthServer
Name: guest1
Accounting Server: guest1
IP Address: *insert radius_server_ip here*
Port: 1812
Shared Secret: *insert radius_secret here*
Shared Secret Confirmation: as above
Timeout Weight: 1
Precedence: Highest
Role: Guest

Click Create Authentication Server.

Click Create Authentication Server again and enter the following:

Type: RadiusWebAuthServer
Name: guest2
Accounting Server: guest2
IP Address: *insert radius_server2_ip here*
Port: 1812
Shared Secret: *insert radius_secret here*
Shared Secret Confirmation: as above
Timeout Weight: 1
Precedence: Lowest
Role: Guest

Click Create Authentication Server.

Captive Portal

Next, on the left under Captive Portal, click Forms. Click Create Login Form and enter the following:

Name: guest
Allow User Logins: Enabled
Allow Guest Logins: Disabled
Redirect Clients to an External URL: Enabled
Base URL of External Server: *insert access_url here*
Clients Access Point MAC Address: blue_ap
Client's Access Point Name: blue_ap_name
vWLAN IP Address: blue_controller
Client's Original URL: blue_destination
Client's MAC Address: blue_mac
Client's IP Address: blue_source
Client's Access Point SSID: blue_ssid
Client's VLAN ID: blue_vlan
Double Encoding of URI Parameters: Disabled
Include RADIUS Option Vendor option: Disabled

Click on Create Login Form.

Role Based Access Control

Next, on the left, under Role Based Access Control click Destinations. Click Create Destination Hostname and enter the domain. Please refer to this list.

Name: *domain here*
Address: *domain here*

Click Create Destination and repeat for each domain.

Next, on the left, click on Destination Groups. Click on Create Destination Group.

Name: guest
Destinations: Click the + sign beside each domain on the right hand list to add all of these to the left list. Be sure not to add the "Any" rule.

Click Create Destination Group.

Firewall Rule

Next, on the left, click Roles. Click on the Un-registered role. At the bottom, click Append Firewall Rule and choose:

Policy: Allow
Service: Any
Direction: Both Ways
Destination: under "Destination Groups" choose guest

Click Update Role.

Post Login Redirection

Next, on the left, click on Roles. Click on the Guest role. Under the Post Login Redirection section, enter:

URL Redirect: *insert redirect_url here*

Click Update Role to save.


Next, on the left, under Wireless click on SSIDs. Click on Create SSID and enter the following:

Name: Guest WiFi (or whatever you wish)
Broadcast SSID: Enabled
Authentication: Open System
Cipher: Disabled
Login Form: guest
Role: Un-registered
Standby SSID: Disabled

Click Create SSID.

Applying Configuration

Finally, you need to apply this new configuration to your AP's in the usual way. For example, go to the Status tab at the top and choose Access Points. Highlight the ones you are using and click the Apply button.

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