IMPORTANT: Please ensure you are running SmartZone v3.0 or above in order to continue.
Start by logging into your SmartZone web interface.
Step 1 - Authentication
Click Services & Profiles > Authentication on the left. Click the Proxy (SZ Authenticator) tab then Create and configure with:
Primary Server IP Address
*insert radius_server_ip here*
Shared Secret
*insert radius_secret here*
Enable Secondary Server
Secondary Server IP Address
*insert radius_server2_ip here*
Shared Secret
*insert radius_secret here*
Click OK to save. Next, click Accounting on the left. Click the Proxy tab then Create and configure with:
Primary Server IP Address
*insert radius_server_ip here*
Shared Secret
*insert radius_secret here*
Enable Secondary Server
Secondary Server IP Address
*insert radius_server2_ip here*
Shared Secret
*insert radius_secret here*
Click OK to save.
Step 2 - Hotspot
Click Hotspots & Portals on the left. Click the Hotspot (WISPr) tab then Create and configure with:
Smart Client Support
Redirect unauthenticated users to (Primary)
*insert access_url here*
Redirected MAC Format
Start Page - Redirect to the following URL
*insert redirect_url here*
Walled Garden
Add the required domains one by one. Please refer to this list.
Click OK to save.
Step 3 - Wireless LAN
Click Wireless LANs on the left, then click Create. Configure with:
Under General Options:
Guest Wi-Fi (or whatever you wish)
WLAN Group
Select a group (or default)
Under Authentication Options:
Authentication Type
Hotspot (WISPr)
Under Encryption Options:
Under Hotspot Portal:
Hotspot (WISPr) Portal
Guest Wi-Fi
Authentication Service
ON - Use Controller as proxy - Guest WiFi
Accounting Service
ON - Use Controller as Proxy - Guest WiFi Acct
Send interim update
every 2 Minutes
Under RADIUS Options:
Single Session ID Accounting
Click OK to save.
Step 4 - Northbound API
Click System > General Settings on the left and then the WISPr Northbound Interface tab. Cconfigure as follows:
Enable Northbound Portal Interface Support
enter any password you choose
Click OK to save.
To complete the set up you will need to log in to your portal, and under Management > Venues > Edit Venue > Options you will need to enter your SmartZone Public IP and the Northbound Password you chose above. This allows our system to talk to the SmartZone for authenticating users and is a mandatory step.
IMPORTANT: In order for our system to authenticate users, you are required to set up a Port Forward on your firewall/router to allow traffic inbound.
Please create a new port forward with the following:
Local/Internal IP
Your Smartzone internal LAN IP (e.g.
The configuration is now complete.