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Behavioral Analytics

  • Updated

These analytics display visitor information including the number and frequency of visitors, how engaged the visitors are, whether they have opted-in to marketing, how long they spend in your venue, and what days and times are most popular.

To access these reports click AnalyticsBehaviors.

Visitor interaction

This report shows the overall number of unique visitors that were seen within a given date period, how many visitors were converted, missed, and the engagement rates for these visitors, taking into account both authenticated visits (those that log into the WiFi) and unauthenticated visits if you have a Presence license (those picked up by Presence reports).

A detailed explanation of Visitor Interaction Report functionality can be found here

The Engagement settings can be personalized to your venue(s) within ManagementVenues > Analytics Settings within the Details tab. If no settings have been configured, the report uses system defaults, which are as follows:

  • Not engaged threshold - 3 minutes, this means if a device has dwelled in your venue for 3 minutes or less the visitor is considered as not engaged.

  • Fully engaged threshold - 15 minutes, this means if a device has dwelled for 15 minutes or more within your venue the visitor is considered as fully engaged.

  • Partially engaged - If the visitor has dwelled for more than 3 minutes but less then 15 minutes they are considered as partially engaged.

New visitors is the percentage of visitors who are unique visitors within the time period specified, Returning visitors is the percentage of visitors who have attended your venue before. The new and returning percentages may add to more than 100% if visitors have had their first and any number of subsequent visits in the specified time period. For example, if the report period is 06/01/2022 to 06/30/2022:

  • Visitor 1 attends on 06/07/2022 they are a new visitor on this date

  • Visitor 2 attends on 06/25/2022 they are a new visitor on this date

  • Visitor 3 attends on 06/16/2022 they are a new visitor on this date and they return on 06/21/2022

  • Visitor 4 attends on 06/03/2022 they are a new visitor on this date and they return on 06/27/2022

  • Visitor 5 attends on 06/22/2022 they are a returning visitor

Total Visitors

New Visitors

Returning Visitors

New Visitors

Returning Visitors






The following values are only available within the Presence license:

Authenticated visitors are those who connected to your WiFi.

Potential visitors are the number of unique devices detected near your AP during the time specified, this could include people passing by with a very weak signal. Potential visits is usually higher than potential visitors as it includes devices that may have already been detected and therefore are not unique, for example a visitor who has returned in the time period specified or passed the venue more than once.

Conversion rate is the number of potential visitors who had a WiFi signal strong enough to show they may be within your venue. Visits and Unique visitors show the actual number who had a strong enough WiFi signal to be within your venue.

Missed visitors is the difference between the number of Potential visitors and Unique visitors and Missed Visits is the difference between the number Potential visits and Visits.

Marketing Opt-in

This report displays the number of people who have opted-in to marketing and how many have opted-out. The report can be set by custom date range with quick options including seeing the report by day, week, month, or year:

Marketing opt in.png

It is recommended to schedule your report monthly. This enables the report to recognize user actions over time, rather than just their last action. For instance, if a user opts-in during January then opts-out in February, the scheduled report will recognize the person has taken both actions. Whereas if you run the report in isolation for February, for example, only their opt-out status would be taken into account.

A number of different filters can be applied to the data, including: gender, connection method, location, age range, device type, etc.

The category button is an easy way to see the breakdown of users who have opted in vs those who have opted out.

Data can be downloaded in CSV or PDF format.

This opt-in report is only available for Enterprise customers.


This report provides an insight into the number of converted visits at your venues. Conversion is based on the maximum signal strength (RSSI) seen between a visitor's device and a hardware controller in your venue during the visitor's visit. Visits are categorized as follows:

  • Converted - High signal strength where the device is seen in close proximity to the hardware. These are devices which have a strength of signal (RSSI) of 30 or above.

  • Passed - These are visits with a low signal strength where the device may not have been seen in close proximity to the venue hardware and the visitor is considered a passer by. These are devices which have a strength of signal (RSSI) below 30.

  • Unknown - No valid signal strength value could be obtained.

Successful measurement of signal strength is based on several factors including the position of hardware within the venue, the visitor's device proximity to the hardware during their visit and the frequency of communication events seen between the visitor's device and the hardware controller.


This report shows the number of visits that individual visitors have made at your current scope. Visitors are grouped into one, two, three, four and five or more visits according to the number of times they have visited any venue within your current scope and the date period specified. For example, if the date range is 06/01/2022 to 06/30/2022:

  • If visitor 1 attends the venue on 06/06/2022, 06/20/2022 and 06/29/2022, they have three visits in the specified time period.

  • If visitor 2 attends the venue on 06/01/2022, 06/16/2022 and 07/03/2022, they only have two visits in the specified time period.

Visitors only show in one visit count category, for example, a visitor who has visited three times is not included in the two visits and one visit categories.


This report provides an insight into the number of stayed and bounced visits at your venues. Bounce is based on the duration a visitor's device was present within range of a hardware controller in your venue during their visit. Visits are categorized as:

  • Stayed - Visits with a duration of 3 minutes or more.

  • Bounced - Visits with a duration less than 3 minutes.

  • Unknown - No valid duration value could be obtained.

Devices which are seen only once are filtered out completely, and are not included in either ‘stayed’ or ‘bounced’.

If you are on an enterprise license, this report only shows authenticated visitors, and therefore visitors show as mainly stayed. For customers on a presence license this report shows all visitors within the venue, and the time period is customizable.

Successful measurement and accuracy of visit duration is dependent upon several factors including the WiFi coverage in your venue and frequency of dropped connections between a visitor's device and hardware within your venue. For example:

  • Visitor 1 dwelled within your venue for 30 minutes.

  • Visitor 2 dwelled within your venue for 2 minutes.

  • Visitor 3 dwelled within your venue for 20 minutes but had a poor connection to your AP.


Dwell time


Bounce Category


30 minutes




2 minutes




20 minutes


This visitor may be in all three categories depending on how long the connection was stable and if the hardware can obtain a duration.

New vs Repeat

This report shows the number of 'New' and 'Repeat' visitors for the selected date period, visitors are categorized as 'New' or 'Repeat' depending on how many times they have been seen at your current scope. 'New' visitors are visitors seen making their first visit, whilst 'Repeat' visitors are visitors seen making subsequent visits.

A unique visitor may be counted multiple times if they are a 'New' visitor and make a subsequent visits in the reporting period, in this case they are counted for both their 'New' and 'Repeat' visits. For example, if the report period is 06/01/2022 to 06/30/2022:

  • Visitor 1 attends on 06/07/2022 they are a new visitor and return to the venue on the same day.

  • Visitor 2 attends on 06/09/2022 they are a new visitor and return to the venue on 06/11/2022.

  • Visitor 3 is a returning visitor on 06/10/2022.

  • Visitor 4 attends on 06/07/2022 they are a new visitor and return to the venue on 06/11/2022.


























This report provides an insight into the number of not, partially and fully engaged visits at your venues. Engagement is based on the duration a visitor's device was present within range of a hardware controller in your venue during their visit. Visits are categorized as:

  • Not Engaged - Visits with a duration of less than 3 minutes.

  • Partially Engaged - Visits between 3 and 15 minutes.

  • Fully Engaged - Visits over 15 minutes.

  • Unknown - No valid duration value could be obtained.

Successful measurement and accuracy of visit duration is based upon several factors including the WiFi coverage in your venue and frequency of dropped connections between a visitor's device and hardware within your venue.


This report provides an insight into the amount of time visitors spend within your venues on average. Dwell is based upon the average duration a visitor's device was present within range of a hardware controller in your venue during their visit. If no valid duration is found for a visit then it is not included in the average.

Network Duration encompasses the length of the session. Dwell accounts for this, plus the Session Expiry period (i.e. it includes the time when a session is unused, before idle timeout takes place).

Successful measurement and accuracy of visit duration is based upon several factors including the WiFi coverage in your venue and frequency of dropped connections between a visitor's device and hardware within your venue.


Hour of Day

This report provides an insight into the average number of visits to your venues by hour of day. Hour of day is based upon the hour a visitor's device entered the range of a hardware controller in your venue and the duration it remained connected. Visits are counted once in the hour which they connected and again in every hour or part thereof which they were within range of a hardware controller and remained connected.

Successful measurement and accuracy of visit duration is based upon several factors including the WiFi coverage in your venue and frequency of dropped connections between a visitor's device and hardware within your venue.

Day of Week

This report shows the average number of visits to your current scope by day of week. Visitors are counted once per day in the current scope, but can be counted multiple times within the date period specified.

Cross Pollination

This report requires there to be at least 2 or more venues at or under your scope as cross pollination analysis cannot be computed for a single venue, it is only available at customer level and not at venue level. 'Cross pollination' refers to the movement of visitors between your venues where venues are 'pollinated' over time by visitors making repeat visits across your estate. The report provides an insight into the venues that both refer and receive the most visits based on visitor movement and the dates that visitors visited your venues. The report includes:

  • Pollinator - Venue that refers visitors to another venue, where a visitor is seen chronologically at one venue, and then at another.

  • Pollinated - Venue that receives visitors from another venue.

  • Pollinations - Number of visits referred from one venue to another.

For example:

  • Visitor 1 visits Venue 1 and then Venue 2.

  • Visitor 2 visits Venue 2, Venue 3 and Venue 1.

  • Visitor 3 visits Venue 2 and then Venue 1.


Number of Pollinations

Number of times Pollinated










Pollination data is presented geographically in the form of a map. The ‘Top 10 pollinators’ list is ranked by the total number of ‘pollinations’ within the reporting period selected. When you click a venue on the map the venue is highlighted as a pollinator and the top 10 venues it has pollinated are displayed. The report then provides the total number of pollinations for each of the top 10 venues that the venue has pollinated. Totals can be accessed by hovering over the 'pollinated' venues on the map.

Filter analysis percentages in the report are based on the overall number of visits found for the filters that are applied to the report. There may be some cases where filter combinations find visit data and return percentages yet no cross pollination data is found. This may occur when selected filter values restrict data to a single venue or the combination of the applied filters does not result in any cross pollination.

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