TrustPilot Setup Guide
The TrustPilot connector can be set up at the customer or venue level. Once set up, visitors will receive an email from TrustPilot to review your venue. It sends these reminders 24 hours after their visit to your venue.
This connector is only available for paying customers of TrustPilot. If you only have a free account, please contact your TrustPilot account manager to upgrade.
Once at the customer or venue level, in the navigation bar on the left hand side, select “Management” then “Connectors”:
In the Connectors section you will see various optional connectors that can be set up, including TrustPilot. Select the “Add” button for TrustPilot:
You will be presented with five fields:
- “Connector name” – A reference name for yourself
- “Enter your TrustPilot business name” – The name which will display on emails to end users
- “Enter your TrustPilot domain” – the web link URL to your TrustPilot page. Should have a similar format to: “https//uk.trustpilot.com/review/google.com”
- “Enter your TrustPilot encryption key” - To acquire this, you need to email your TrustPilot account manager and request the encryption key
- “Enter your TrustPilot authentication key” - To acquire this, you need to email your TrustPilot account manager and request the authentication key
Select “Save” after completing all fields.
Once the above steps have been completed, the TrustPilot Connector will be active. Note that it will take up to 24 hours for your visitors to receive an email from TrustPilot to review your venue.
Next Gen RTLS: Wayfinding API Improvements
Improvements to the Wayfinding API have made it more maintainable, quicker, and easier to test.
The updates also quicken development of new features. Previously, for example, the implementation of Translations took longer due to challenges stemming from the earlier version of the Wayfinding API.
Shift to a single API request
By merging API requests we reduce database operations, thereby improving loading speeds.
Improved load speeds deliver a better user experience and reduce bounce rates.
Purple exposes a web API for clients which can be shared upon request.
We use Restful API and .Net c# 8.0 alongside our Purple API. These deal with factors such as data ingestion and SSO.
External APIs remain available for integration purposes, such as with Epic in the healthcare sector.
Next Gen RTLS: Search Improvements
Search has been redesigned in Next Gen RTLS to improve the user experience. Our new design displays search result information across multiple lines, ensuring all necessary details are visible.
Updates to search functionality include:
- Updated search term prioritization - User
- Fuzzy search - User
- Voice search - User
- Highlighted keywords - User
- Uniform search results across platforms - User
- Results grouped together based on Room/area - Admin
- Decoupled category and destination fields - Admin
- AI generation: Destination search terms - Admin
- AI generation: Category search terms - Admin
Updated search term prioritization - User
The search algorithm has been updated to better prioritize relevant searches. Names will be prioritized in search terms. Secondary factors include Categories, Room/Area, Keywords, and Descriptions.
Results will rank higher where more terms match. In the below screenshot, for example, the first result is “Services - Heritage Center” as it contains the searched-for “er” term three times:
If a result begins with the searched for phrase, this is prioritized over the phrase being in the middle of a word.
This prioritization helps to remove a previous problem where the searched for term could display far down the results. This was happening due to, for example, a single occurrence of “ER” in the middle of a word being prioritized over “ER” as a standalone term.
Prioritization may change based on user testing/feedback but the above will be the setup for go-live.
Fuzzy search is utilized if no exact matches are available.
Fuzzy search - User
Fuzzy search enables matches to be found even when the query doesn’t perfectly match the intended term. For example, if you make a typo and enter “snck” instead of “snack”, results display based on a search for foodstuff:
This update improves search usability by surfacing points even when there’s a spelling error.
Voice search - User
Voice search functionality is compatible with:
- Google Chrome on Android and PC
- Safari on iOS
Select the microphone then state your destination and the search field will populate:
Highlighted keywords - User
Keywords display with a highlight based on the words or phrases that have been entered. This makes it easier to find what you’re looking for:
Uniform search results across platforms – User
iOS, Android and web will now all use the same algorithm for search functionality. This means uniform results will display across platforms, which wasn’t previously the case.
Search results grouped together based on Room/Area - Admin
For every destination in Admin, there is now a ‘Room/area’ field which is used in the search algorithm to group results:
In a hospital setting, for example, the room/area can include ‘ER’ to denote the Emergency Room. When searching for ER, the platform will recognize this and display appropriate results.
Decoupled category and destination fields - Admin
Categories and destinations were previously grouped together, meaning search terms would duplicate across both fields.
Separate keywords can now be added to the Category and Destination fields. This provides greater flexibility when adding terms which allows additional, more accurate results to display. This is further supported by the new AI generation functionality for both Destinations and Categories as separate entities.
AI generation: Destination search terms - Admin
AI assists with search terms for Destinations. It takes into account the name of your destination then generates a maximum of 10 associated keywords.
To generate AI terms:
- Select the desired destination
- Add a name via the ‘About’ tab which automatically appears
- Select the ‘Category’ tab, and suggestions will display
The destination name ‘Restaurant’, for example, provides suggestions such as ‘Dine’, ‘Food’, ‘Menu’, etc.:
You need to select each term you wish to incorporate.
Every time you revisit the ‘Category’ tab, new unselected terms are generated to help provide additional options.
Despite appearing within the ‘Category’ tab, destination search term suggestions are completely separate from any selected category. It doesn’t matter if a category is selected or not, or what the category is. For example, the below suggestions are related to the destination name ‘Restaurant’ even though the dropdown Category item shows as ‘Office’:
AI Generation: Category search terms - Admin
AI can now assist when creating search terms for Categories. AI takes into account the name of your category then generates a maximum of 10 associated keywords.
To generate AI terms for categories:
- Select a destination then the ‘Category’ tab
- Select ‘Manage Categories’
- Select the three dots alongside a category, then ‘Manage search terms’:
- When adding custom search terms, there is now the option to ‘Add with AI’:
- This uses the name of the category to generate a maximum of ten custom search terms. ‘Office’, for example, provides terms such as ‘Workspace’, ‘Cubicles’, ‘Meeting room’, etc.:
- These terms are added to the category automatically. They can be deselected by clicking on them:
You can also hit ‘Clear all’ then select the ‘Add with AI’ button again to get a fresh list of categories, if the first attempt didn’t meet your requirements.
All of the above functionality is automatically in place for Next Gen RTLS.