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Ubiquiti UniFi Network Controller

  • Updated
If you are using a hardware based device like Dream Machine or CloudKey Gen2, please login to this first then open the Network Application. You may need to install this application if not factory installed.

Log in to your UniFi Network application.

If you using UniFi Network v7.4 or above

On the left menu click the Hotspot Manager icon, and then click Landing Page at the top.

On the right hand sidebar, click Authentication and choose External Portal Server. If prompted, enter *insert walled_garden_ip here* as the External Portal address and save.

Next, also on the right hand sidebar, click Settings. Configure with:

  • Default Expiration: 8 Hours
  • Show Landing Page: Yes 
  • HTTPS: No
  • Encrypted URL: No
  • Secure Portal: Yes
  • Domain: *insert access_domain here*
  • Authorization Access: Under Pre-Authorization rules add the following domains:
    Please refer to this list.

Click Save to confirm. Next, click Settings > WiFi on the left and then Create New. Configure with:

  • Name: Guest WiFi (or whatever you wish to broadcast)
  • Advanced: Manual
  • Hotspot Portal: Enabled
  • Security Protocol: Open

Click Add WiFi Network to save. You can now move on to the Venue Settings section below. 


If you using UniFi Network v7.3 or below

On the left menu, click Profiles. Under Guest Hotspot click on the Default item. Configure with:

  • Authentication Type: External Portal
  • External Portal: *insert walled_garden_ip here*
  • Guest Landing Page: On
  • Advanced: Manual
  • Default Expiration: 8 Hours
  • Landing Page: Promotional URL - *insert redirect_url here*
  • HTTPS Redirection: No
  • Encrypted redirect URL: No
  • Redirect Using Hostname: Yes - *insert access_domain here*
  • Secure Portal: Yes
  • Allowed Authorization Access: Please refer to this list.

Click Apply Changes to save. Next, click WiFi on the left and then Create New WiFi. Configure with:

  • Name: Guest WiFi (or whatever you wish to broadcast)
  • Advanced: Manual
  • WiFi Type: Guest Hotspot
  • Security Protocol: Open

Click Add WiFi Network to save. You can now move on to the Venue Settings below.

Venue Settings

To complete the set up you will need to log in to your portal, and under the Venue Settings you will need to enter your UniFi Controller Public IP/Hostname and a valid Username/Password of an account you created on your local controller (not a UniFi cloud account).

We recommend not using your admin user, so set up a new one specifically for this. This allows our system to communicate with your controller to authenticate guest users and is a mandatory step.

IMPORTANT: If your UniFi Controller is not publicly accessible you will need to set up a port forward or firewall rule to allow this.

Please create a new port forward or firewall rule with the following:

  • Local/Internal IP: Your UniFi Controller Internal LAN IP (e.g.
  • Protocol: TCP
  • Destination Port: 8443 (UniFi software controller) or 443 (UDM/UDW/UDR/CloudKey Gen2)

Please contact support if you need assistance with the port forward/firewall setup and we'll do our best to help.

The configuration is now complete.

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