You can charge your visitors for WiFi usage through tiered bandwidth and can use the Worldpay connector to take the payments.
Set Up the Worldpay Connector
In the portal within Management > Connectors on the Worldpay connector, click Add.
- Complete the fields as follows:
Connector name |
Enter a name / reference for your connector. |
Merchant code |
This is the merchant code associated with the Worldpay account which can be found within the Worldpay administration interface. |
Installation ID |
The Worldpay administration interface has a Payment Page Designer which allows the Hosted Payment Page to be customised. See It is possible to have multiple payment page designs, each with their own customisations (i.e. colours, logos, supported payment methods etc). Each payment page design has its own Installation ID. Enter the desired installation ID to be used here. |
XML username and XML password |
The Worldpay connector needs to be able to communicate with the Worldpay XML Payment Service which is protected by an authentication layer which requires a username and password. A Worldpay account holder can configure this via the Worldpay administration interface. |
Message Authentication Code (MAC) |
The MAC is a secret value, like a password, which only Worldpay and the Worldpay connector know. The MAC is used to verify the authenticity of payment response message sent from Worldpay to the Access Journey which allows Access to safely confirm that the payment was legitimately made from Worldpay. A Worldpay account holder can configure this via the Worldpay administration interface. |
Enable sandbox mode? |
This toggle can be used to ensure all communications with Worldpay take place in the integration / testing servers Worldpay provide. When this toggle is disabled all communications will take place in the production Worldpay service. Worldpay offers both ‘Integration’ and ‘Production’ administration interfaces which is ideal for testing integrations and payment page designs before committing to going live. Note Ensure the XML username and password, and MAC code, are entered for the relevant environment, otherwise validation and the payment flow will fail. |
Click ‘Validate’, and if the details are valid, the button will turn to a success state displaying a ‘tick’ icon. If the details are not valid, an error message is displayed.
Validation automatically takes place on any creation, update or attempt to save the connector details.
Enable Worldpay as a Payment Option
Once a Worldpay connector has been defined we can choose to use it via the Access Journey editor.
Create or edit an Access Journey via the left-hand sidebar menu option Onboarding → Access Journeys.
Navigate to the Tiered Bandwidth tab within the Access Journey editor.
In the right hand panel of the tab there is a ‘Tiered bandwidth options’ section:
Here you can find the ‘Payment options’ settings.
When a valid Worldpay connector exists, the payment method will be offered as shown above.
Check the ‘Worldpay’ box to enable it as an available payment method.
User Experience
Once Worldpay has been configured and activated visitors purchasing Tiered Bandwidth plans will see a ‘Pay by card’ button after selecting a plan:
Clicking on ‘Pay by card’ will redirect the user to the Worldpay Hosted Payment Page (HPP):
Upon making a successful payment the WiFi visitor will be returned to Access and will be given the option to activate their paid for plan:
Activating the plan will place the WiFi visitor online on their selected plan.
Issuing Refunds
The Worldpay integration also supports refund management.
Refunds for Tiered Bandwidth payments are managed via the ‘Billing and Purchases’ section, found within the My Account navigation drop down in the top right of Portal:
The list of transactions within Billing and Purchases will only show a refund button against transactions if your setup has refunds enabled. For assistance with enabling refunds, contact Purple's support team.
The whole amount can be refunded or a specific amount, which must be between £0.01 and the total order value.