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What's New 2021

  • Updated

The following features are new to the Purple products in 2021.

Network Duration by Minutes Report - 8th November

To help you identify how long users are on your network we've added a new report to show the total number of minutes end users were seen on the WiFi network at your venue(s). The number of minutes is based on the total session duration for each visitor. If a visitor has 5 network sessions or more within the report period, the number of minutes for the visitor is the sum of all 5 network sessions. The data for this report refreshes every four hours starting at midnight UTC.

You can access this report within Analytics > Network.

Network Duration by Minutes by Venue

Network Duration by Minutes by Gender

Permission Profiles and Users - 18th October

To improve security and to simplify the user setup process we’ve made some changes to user permissions and the Permission profile screen to make it easier to navigate.

To easily maintain user permissions there is a new permissions model which explicitly uses permission profiles to determine the user’s permissions at company level and below. Users at reseller level and above have full access and do not require permission profiles.

If a user is not assigned to a permission profile at company level, for example, if the profile is deleted or the user is removed from a profile, the default permissions are set to denied for everything. If a user has the default permissions you must add the user to a permission profile to explicitly grant access.

This update also includes new warnings within users and permission profiles to better inform you of the actions some permissions incur.

Permission Profile Screen

The Permission profile screen now includes radio buttons to select the required access level. The permission labels are also clearer, they now match the menu options in the portal and show Download on permissions which relate to reports.

Permission Profile Migration

This update ensures users are assigned to a permission profile at scope and prevents any mismatch between a user’s permissions and the permission profile they’re assigned to. The update performs a migration which checks all current users for permissions which have been saved directly against the user.

If the user is currently assigned to a permission profile:

  • If there are no user defined permissions, the user remains in the profile.

  • If the user defined permissions differ from the profile, the migration creates a legacy profile and assigns this to the user.

If the user is not assigned to a permission profile:

  • If the permissions match an existing profile, the migration adds the user to this profile.

  • If the permissions do not match an existing profile, the migration creates a legacy profile and assigns this to the user.

  • If there are no user defined permissions, the user remains as is, for example, a reseller.

Legacy Profile

If a user’s permissions do not match a permission profile the portal automatically creates a legacy profile and assigns the user to that profile. Clients should review all legacy profiles and either convert the profile to a new permission profile or remove the profile. To remove the legacy profile you should reassign any user(s) to an existing permission profile, when there are no users assigned to the profile you can delete it. If you delete the profile when users are still assigned, the users automatically move to the default profile which denies all permissions.

The legacy profiles appear within Permission profiles in the Legacy tab.

Convert a Legacy Profile to a Permission Profile

When you convert a profile it moves the profile from the Legacy tab into the Profiles tab.

  1. Within Permission profiles select the Legacy tab, click the ellipsis on the profile you would like to convert and select Convert.

  2. Enter a name for the profile and click Convert.

Reassign a User and Remove the Legacy Profile

  1. Within Users select the user you would like to reassign, within Current Permissions, choose the permission profile you would like to assign the user to and click Save.

  2. Within Permission profiles select the Legacy tab, click the ellipsis on the profile you would like to remove and select Delete.

You can also add a user to a profile via Manage Users on the profile. If the profile is deleted with the user assigned to it, the user automatically moves to the default profile which denies all permissions, you can then reassign the user to the required profile.

View your Permissions

To view your own user permissions, select the user icon, select My account and within Account information select View my account permissions.

Stored Downloads Report - 12th July

We have added a number of new columns to the Stored Downloads report to provide additional information for platform users. The report now includes:

  • Company

  • Requested Estate

  • Requested Start Date

  • Requested End Date

SSID Filter & Dimension - 5th July

Previously released in 2019, the SSID filter and dimension selector was disabled after out of scope SSID values were found to be persisted on access journeys in access, portal, and analytics data sources. Release V1.1 re-instates the SSID filter and dimension selector within analytics.

SSID Filter

The SSID filter allows venues to filter analytics reports based on SSID.

With Custom SSIDs at Scope

At the company level, the filter returns all historic and current custom SSIDs that are configured at the company level and below.

At the group level, the filter returns all historic and current custom SSIDs that are configured at the company level and for any venues that currently exist under the group.

At the venue level, the filter returns all historic and current custom SSIDs that are configured at the parent company level and at the venue level.

Without Custom SSIDs at Scope

The filter returns all network SSIDs captured on WiFi access journey sessions at venues at and under the current scope. No custom SSID filtering is applied.

SSID Dimension

The SSID dimension allows venues to filter analytics reports based on SSID.

With Custom SSIDs at Scope

Data in the chart is grouped by historic and current custom SSIDs that exist at scope.

At the company level, the data is grouped by any historic and current custom SSIDs that are configured at the company level and below.

At the group level, the data is grouped by any historic and current custom SSIDs that are configured at the parent company level and for any venues that currently exist under the group.

At the venue level, the data is grouped by any historic and current custom SSIDs that are configured at the parent company level and at the venue level.

Without Custom SSIDs at Scope

The data will be grouped by network SSIDs captured on WiFi access journey sessions at venues at and under the current scope. No custom SSID filtering is applied to the data grouping.

Occupancy Alerts - 7th June

We have built a new decision node within LogicFlow for Occupancy, which allows portal users to trigger an email alert to a specific user, or group of users, when occupancy levels within their venue reach, or exceed a pre-set level.

1. Building an Occupancy LogicFlow

When building an Occupancy LogicFlow, portal users need to select Occupancy as the LogicFlow type, and then drag across the Occupancy and Email alert decision nodes as shown in the image below.

2. Occupancy decision node

The Occupancy decision node allows portal users to first select their data source, whether that is WiFi or sensors.

Please note that the accuracy of the occupancy data will vary depending on the data source selected. WiFi is estimated to offer up to 75% accuracy, and sensors are estimated to offer up to 98% accuracy.

Once a data source has been selected, portal users then need to specify their occupancy triggers.

3. Email alert decision node

To choose which portal users will receive the email alert, use the search bar and then click on the green plus icon to add a user. The users you select appear in the Added users section below. To remove a user, simply click the red cross icon.

Once all desired users have been selected, an alert frequency must be applied. This is the frequency in which the email alert will fire whilst the occupancy criteria set above are met.

4. Email alert

Below is an example of the email alert that will be triggered and sent when the occupancy criteria are met.

5. Additional updates to LogicFlow - publishing and unpublishing LogicFlows

In addition to the Occupancy LogicFlow, we have also implemented a wider update that impacts all LogicFlows within the Purple platform.

LogicFlows can now be published and unpublished, allowing a portal user to effectively pause a LogicFlow should they wish.

On the LogicFlow listing page, there is now a column called ‘Status’ which indicates whether a LogicFlow is currently ‘Published’, ‘Available’ or ‘In Development’.

  • Published = Active LogicFlow

  • Available = LogicFlow is validated and available to be published

  • In Development = Logicflow has not been validated and is not available to be published

Licensing Status Report - 22nd March

Purple’s Licensing status report allows platform users to get a single view of available licenses i.e. Enterprise, Network, Presence etc., and associated license status i.e. licensed or unlicensed.

In this release, we have deployed a number of improvements to the Licensing status report that deliver a more accurate view of licenses, expiry dates and more. Improvements include, enhanced filtering functionality, additional reporting tiles and an improved UI.

To access the Licensing status report, click Management > Licensing status.


The Licensing status report can now be filtered by ‘licenses’ and/or ‘customers’. It is also possible to filter by multiple licenses and/or multiple customers. At the customer level, only the license filter is present.

Please note, the customer filter is only available at the partner view. Customers do not have access to this feature.

Report tiles

The report includes new tiles for:

  • Total estate: Total number of licenses in the estate

  • License breakdown: Proportion of different license types

  • Expiring license summary: Summary of active license types and expiry dates

  • Active licenses: Number of licenses which have not expired

  • Unassigned: Active licenses which are not assigned to a piece of hardware

  • Customer summary: License summary broken down by customer

Please note, Customer summary is only available at the partner view. Customers do not have access to this feature. Platform users can drill down into each report tile by clicking them.

Total estate:

License breakdown:

Expiring license summary:

Customer summary:

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