You can use floorplans to track the movements of your customers in your venue in real time, on previous dates, on different floors and at certain times of the day. You can also have data overlaid such as gender, age, dwell and login method. To add a floorplan please contact Support.
You can view the floorplan in two modes: View mode and Edit mode. The default when clicking into Floorplans is Edit mode.
View mode
Within View mode, hardware devices that are picked up by your access points show on your map. If a visitor has authenticated on to your WiFi system you can place your mouse over any circle on your floorplan and find out more about the individuals. Males are shown in purple and females in pink.
If a hardware device has yet to authenticate on to your network it is shown as a grey 'anonymous' circle. You can still position your mouse over this hardware device to find out more about it.
The number of access points you have positioned within your venue, along with your floorplan shape, affects the accuracy of hardware devices.
Use Play to view the data in real-time or use the 24-hour timeline to change the date, time and play speed of the data. You can change the data source to select either Sensors or WiFi data. You can also change the floorplan to show heatmaps rather than individual devices to get a better picture of where is busiest in your venue.
If you have zones set up you can use Overview reports to see how many people are currently in a specific zone. The Period shows you the total visitors that have been within that zone during your blue play bar period, within your timeline. If you adjust your play bar period, these numbers update automatically.
Overlay markers on the map overlays data such as age range, number of visits, login method and dwell time.
Visitors and devices shows information about each visitor. You can search by visitor name or device to locate specific visitors on your floorplan.
Edit mode
There are two navigation panels on the left and right of the floorplan. The options on the left are the quick development tools. These navigate the map and can be used to add new items to the floorplan. The options on the right are the standard development tools which show items that already exist on the floorplan using which you can add to, edit, rename and delete.
Zones divide your floorplan into areas to give you greater insight into where your visitors are located within your venue, which zones are busiest on which days and how long people spend within each zone. You can also send communications to visitors based on the zones they have visited.
To add a new zone, click Add zone or within Zones click Add new.
Choose which shape to add from:
Polygon - A freeform zone with as many points as you need.
Rectangle - A square or rectangle zone.
Circle - A circular zone.
Click on the area of the floorplan where you want to start your new zone, drag the mouse until the shape is the correct size and click again. If you use the Polygon shape you must click at each point and press Enter when the shape is complete.
The zone appears on the floorplan with a unique color defined by the portal. A new zone appears on the right at the top of the list with the name Unnamed zone, click on the name to rename it.
If you do not want to capture and record data in this area you can select Exclusion zone. To increase a user's location accuracy, this also pushes any users which appear in this zone, to the strongest AP signal.
To update the zone name and any other changes, click Save.
Locations are points of interest on your floorplan such as shops, restaurants, car parks and information points.
To add a new location, click Add location or within Locations click Add new.
Choose one of the following:
Add to floor plan - Select where you want the location on the floorplan and click the green tick to confirm.
Attach to zone - You can choose a zone to add the location to and this places the location in the center of that zone.
When you choose your location or to attach to a zone a details box appears, complete as follows:
Location name
The name of your location, this defaults to the next available location number, e.g. Location 1.
This only appears when you choose Attach to zone.
Choose the zone you want to attach the location to, this places the location in the center of this zone.
The icon of the location changes depending on the category, choose from:
Food and drink
Bars and nightclubs
Banks and cash points
Exits and fire escapes
Customer information
First aid station
Disabled access
A description of the location.
Small logo
Browse for an image to replace the dot on the floorplan.
Large logo
Browse for an image to appear when you click on the location.
This only appears when you choose Add to floor plan.
Move the location to a different point on the floorplan.
To add the location, click Save.
Rails help improve the accuracy of the location data in a venue, it drags users in close proximity to the rail. This is especially useful for identifying aisles and walkways in a venue.
To add a new rail, click Add rail or within Rails click Add new.
Select the type of rail from:
Select the rail start point on the floorplan and then select the rail end point, you can continue to add nodes until the rail is complete, when the rail is complete press Enter.
The rail details appear, complete as follows:
Rail name
The name of your rail, this defaults to the next available rail number, e.g. Rail 1.
Rail snap
Drags users within the set threshold to the rail.
Threshold (cm)
The distance from the rail to drag the users from.
Show threshold
Shows the threshold on the floorplan, this is the lighter green area.
To add the rail, click Save.
When you add a rail this creates nodes at the beginning and end of each rail, you can create additional nodes on a floorplan to show stairs, lifts, junctions etc.
To add a new node, click Add node or within Nodes click Add new.
Select one of the following:
Escalator up
Escalator down
Escalator end
Select where you want the hardware on the floorplan and click the green tick to confirm.
The node details appear, complete as follows:
Node name
The name of your node, this defaults to the next available node number, e.g. Node 3.
Group ID
Choose a group to add the node to. If you want to create a new group use the slider Or create new group.
Or create new group
Creates a new group and shows the New group ID field.
New group ID
Only shows when Or create new group is on. Enter an ID for your group.
Move the location to a different point on the floorplan.
To add the node, click Save.
This adds hardware to your floorplan, along with a unique name, the make and model and also its MAC address. This is useful to identify WiFi access points.
To add new hardware, click Add hardware device or within Hardware devices click Add fixed hardware device.
Select where you want the hardware on the floorplan and click the green tick to confirm.
This opens the hardware details, complete as follows:
Hardware device name
The name of the device, this defaults to the next available device number, e.g. Hardware device 3.
MAC address
Add the MAC address of the hardware.
Hardware device type
Choose the device type.
Move the location to a different point on the floorplan.
To add the hardware, click Save.