The following steps are required to integrate the Meraki Location Based Services (LBS) into the Purple platform. This integration process allows you to import the location analytics data using the API into the Purple platform.
Once the integration is complete you can use the features available within the Purple platform to perform dwell based marketing, various analytical reporting, presence reporting and replay functionality.
Licensing: In order to enable LBS services, it’s mandatory to have the correct license on all of your access points (APs).
Floor plan(s): For this integration, we require the floor plan(s) from the Meraki dashboard, along with the dimensions in metres.
The following floor plan represents an example with the X, Y coordinate; please ensure that the X, Y dimensions are relative to the top left corner.
Note: If your deploy contains more than 1 floor, you need a floor plan file for each floor, independently. The floor plan(s) should be the exact same file used on the Meraki dashboard in the following formats: .png or .jpg.
Synchronize presence and location data
You must update the following settings on the Meraki dashboard and the Purple portal. As part of this set up you need the unique subdomain which is provided by the Purple support team, please contact Purple support to obtain this information.
Within the Meraki dashboard, click Network-wide > General, within Location and Scanning, copy the Validator.
Ensure the following parameters are enabled:
Analytics enabled
Scanning API
Scanning API enabled
Post URLs
The complete URL used for this parameter appears as follows:
https://[*unique subdomain]/[*venue Presence POST URL]
[*unique subdomain]: Is provided by the Purple support team, please contact Purple support.
[*venue Presence POST URL]: To obtain this parameter, log in to your Purple portal and within the venue, click Management > Venues > Settings. Paste the Validator copied from Meraki’s dashboard into the Presence validator, copy the Presence POST URL and click Save Options.
On the Meraki Dashboard enter the full Post URL when you have all of the components and click Validate URL.
If you have multiple venues in the Purple portal you only need to set this up once for your Meraki network (if these are the same network on the Meraki Dashboard for all the APs). We use the APs set at the venues in the Purple portal to provide location data to the venues, you must ensure the correct APs are set in the portal systems so that the correct floor plans and APs in Meraki match the venues.
Add APs to a floor plan in the Meraki dashboard
In order for location data to be sent to Purple WiFi, a floor plan needs to be uploaded and aligned carefully in your Meraki dashboard platform. Please refer to the Meraki guide Using a Floor Plan or Custom Map in Dashboard.
Next steps
Once the steps above are complete, reply to your Purple Support ticket outlining that the portal configuration is complete. We will ensure data is being received correctly and enable location services on your venue. We may ask for read only access to your Meraki dashboard to calibrate the installation.