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MailChimp provides marketing automation for e-commerce businesses. The MailChimp connector can be set up at customer level or venue level and pushes users’ data into MailChimp to create a contact once they have authenticated onto your WiFi.

Set Up the MailChimp Connector

  1. Within ManagementConnectors on the MailChimp connector click Add.

  2. Enter the Connector name.

  3. Within Enter your API key for MailChimp you need to add your API key from Mailchimp, to obtain the API key:

    1. Log in to MailChimp, click the account name and then Profile.

    2. Click ExtrasAPI keys.

    3. Click Create A Key and copy and paste this key into the portal.

  4. Within Enter your List id for MailChimp you need to add your List ID from Mailchimp, to obtain the list ID:

    1. Log in to MailChimp, click Lists and select the list you want to push data to.

    2. On the list click the drop-down and select Settings .

    3. Scroll down to the Unique ID for list and copy and paste this ID into the portal.

  5. Within Scope, the login level determines what scope is available. The scope determines at what level the palette displays for this connector, choose from the following:

    • Customer level – Displays the customer, groups and all venues. With the ability to select each level.

    • Group level – Displays the selected group and the venues within that group.

    • Venue level – This specific venue.

  6. Click Save.

Data Sent to MailChimp

The following data is sent to MailChimp:

Data Type





The user's forename



The user's surname



The user's email address



If the user has opted in as a subscriber

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