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Dotmailer/dotdigital is an email marketing and marketing automation platform for SMBs, retailers and big brands. This connector can be set up at customer or venue level and pushes users’ data into dotdigital to create a contact once they have authenticated onto your Wi-Fi.

Set Up the Dotmailer/dotdigital Connector

  1. Within ManagementConnectors on the dotdigital connector click Add.

  2. Complete the fields as follows:

    Connector name

    Enter the name of the connector.

    dotdigital API email

    To retrieve this information from dotdigital you need to create a new user:

    1. In dotdigital, select New user.

    2. The email address should be pre-populated, you need to add a description and password, and click Save.

    3. Copy and paste the Email address and Password into these fields.

    dotdigital API password

    dotdigital API endpoint

    To retrieve the API endpoint from dotdigital:

    1. Log into dotdigital and click Account Settings and select Access.

    2. At the top of the Access page is Your API endpoint is https://…, copy and paste this into this field.

  3. Click Verify, when verification is successful the drop-down Name of the address book appears.

  4. Choose an address book destination from the drop-down and click Save.

Data Sent to dotdigital

The following data is sent to dotdigital. User data is only sent to the API in the cases where a user has agreed to receive marketing. 

Data Type





The user's forename



The user's surname


user ID

The user's id number



The user's email address



The user's mobile telephone number



The user's gender



The user's postcode



The user's date of birth in YYYY-mm-dd format

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