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Wayfinding Reports

  • Updated

The Reports menu within the Wayfinding Admin Tool contains different reports you can view for your wayfinding traffic. You can see the number of directions that have been given, the top locations and how users entered the location, the ratings for each route provided and even a heat map to see where most people opened the application. This can help you to make business decisions about your campus, determine where people navigate to most frequently and discover how accessible locations are.

Web Reporting

Reporting displays snapshots of the previous month, to adjust, change the date range and apply. A raw data report is available as an excel spreadsheet under the date range. Reports that have the hamburger icon can be downloaded as a graphic.

The following reports are available:


This shows the number of directions given on your site, you can hover over the point to view the number of users for that time period and toggle between hour, day, week and month.


This report shows the browser users used to view the site. The outer ring indicates if the user is using a mobile or non-mobile device and the inner lists the browser. If you hover over the a browser this displays the percentage.

Starting Locations

This report shows where the user started:

  • Offsite includes anyone who entered an address in their starting location that is outside of the facility.

  • Onsite indicates that the user chose a starting and ending location on the facility campus.

Top 10 Locations

This report lists the top 10 start and end destinations within the time frame. Select Show All to download this list as an Excel file.

Email & Print/Day

This report shows the number of requests to email or print directions.

How Users Found their start/end location

This report shows how the users found their start and end location. The From/To toggle button determines if it is the start location or end location. The chart is made up from the following:

  • Address Entry: User entered in an address

  • Direct from URL: User clicked on a URL that was given to them (i.e. emailed from someone)

  • Search Feature: User typed directly into the search box

  • Directory Lookup: User navigated via the directory lookup menus

  • Top 10 Feature: User used the drop down to make a selection

Download Raw Data

This downloads as an excel spreadsheet for the date range set, it gives you more in-depth detail of each interaction users had with the site.

Kiosk Reporting

The default view is All kiosk traffic, from the drop-down you can choose to view data for a specific kiosk.

The following reports are available:


This shows the number of users at a kiosk on a given day and equals the number of directions given on your site. You can hover over the point to view the number of users for that time period and toggle between hour and day.

Daily Usage by Kiosk

This report lists the umber of users at a kiosk per day, each color represents a different kiosk. You can hover over the bars to view the number for each kiosk and click the kiosk names to remove or add a kiosk.


This report shows the percentage of users that for each language on the kiosk.

Top 10

This shows the top selected destinations on the kiosk. Click Show All to download an Excel file of the data.


This shows the number of requests to email or print directions from the kiosk.

Mobile Reporting

The following reports are available:


This shows the number of directions given on the mobile app, you can hover over the point to view the number of users for that time period and toggle between hour, date and month.

Star Rating Data

This report shows the ratings provided by users at the end of their journey using the directions.


This shows which device users are using.

Top starting floor

This shows the top starting floor in the time frame specified. Click the view map button to open a heat map of the areas where users opened the app.

Route feedback and ratings

This report shows comments and star ratings for each route in any given date range or time frame. You can evaluate the most executed destinations and route by users. Click Show All to download an Excel spreadsheet of the data.

The excel sheet contains the following data:

  • Start Destination

  • End Destination

  • Last Activity time

  • Source Type - iOS/Android

  • Rating - Star Rating if given

  • Comment - Comments if provided

  • Path Information

    • Trace Id – Can be used with Indoor Atlas tool for troubleshooting

    • Device Manufacturer

    • OS Version

    • App Version - Version associated with build

    • App Release Date

    • Map Version - Number associated with map

    • App Cache Version - Number associated with updated data/map

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