Our GPS Web Positioning feature allows users to understand where they are on our web-based interactive map.
A new button has been added that finds the user’s approximate location to within 10m of their position in optimum conditions. The end user’s location will be represented with a light blue circle displayed on the map:
Positioning is based on a combination of WiFi, GPS, and Mobile data signals which deliver an indicative user position.
Positioning differs from Mobile Indoor Positioning functionality as it requires no additional hardware but has a more limited accuracy. It also can’t tell which floor users are on at any given time.
The system has in-built functionality to allow users to pick the floor they’re on to overcome GPS positioning limitations. If users are in a building with more than one floor, they will be prompted to select the floor they’re on. This appears in the form of a tooltip:
Offsite/Onsite Location
A dropdown option is available which allows users to pick ‘Your location’ as a starting point:
This has two variations:
Offsite – After selecting ‘Your location’, the user will be taken to their rough location. They can select their exact location either by clicking their location on web, or by dropping the pin in the correct spot on mobile:
Onsite – After selecting ‘Your location’ the user is prompted to select their location on web, or drop the pin at their current location on mobile. A tooltip will display prompting users to select the floor they’re on:
Location Button
The button to locate the user is in the bottom-left of the screen and has three different states:
- Where the user has not accepted location permissions, a red icon will display. When selected, a pop up will display explaining that location services need to be enabled. Selecting ‘Learn more’ will take them to a support site page with more information:
- When accuracy is too low, the icon becomes greyed-out. We only allow selection of the button if the accuracy is within 200m. A temporary pop up bar will display, explaining that the signal is currently not strong enough to display the user’s location:
- A blue icon shows when the GPS positioning is accurate enough for the user’s location to be displayed.
A ‘Return to Location’ button has also been implemented to allow users to quickly return to the venue map to reduce frustration, as the venue remains the primary point of focus for the application: