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Offsite to onsite navigation describes a feature which enables users to plan their trip to the venue from an offsite location (most commonly their home). It’s important to note that this feature is not designed to replace Google Maps, Waze, or the other traditional apps people use to navigate the world. It instead factors in alternative use cases such as:

  • Helping users solve the problem of the exact location to arrive at onsite
  • When displaying arrival points, there are options to include fields for descriptions and website links to inform users of factors such as cost and opening times
  • Making clear how long the total journey time is, including the walking distance from the arrival point to the end destination

Example use case

The user triggers an offsite route by entering an offsite position as the start location e.g. their postcode:

Once the start and end location are satisfied, the system recognizes that the user has entered an offsite-onsite route. From here we display:

    1. The route on the map from the start point to the end destination. Note you cannot zoom further out than the route displayed on Google Maps, but you can zoom in
    2. The possible modes of transport, aligned to what the customer has configured
    3. The arrival point options. Each mode of transport will have different arrival point options as defined by the admin user. Within each option a user can display content like opening times and cost of parking. The time figure is the calculated journey time from Google plus the time to walk from the arrival point to the end destination. The arrival point options are ranked by this cumulative time:

Finally, when a user selects ‘Get Directions’, the map zooms to view the route from the arrival point to the destination. A button is present which opens the offsite section of the route in Google:


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