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App Deployment - Next Gen

  • Updated

Web app

For the web app, Purple will configure the web domain then share it with you for feedback. A round of edits is possible at this point, before the app is launched and advertised for use.  Optional testing in the web app is possible. 

Mobile app

As part of the Wayfinding mobile set up, Purple create a dedicated app that your visitors can use to navigate around your location.

If utilizing indoor pathfinding, Purple will develop and 'fingerprint' the Wayfinding solution before deploying your app. Fingerprinting involves using a digital floor plan of the building to collect geomagnetic data and identify walkable areas. Initial required edits can be made at this stage. 

For the mobile app, there are three options:

1) You can choose to conduct additional testing for the mobile app

2a) Purple handle the process for the Whitelabel solution.

2b) If integrating your own app, Purple provide the SDK.

If you're unsure of which step to take, ask your account manager or contact our support team using the chat functionality here


Whitelabel solution

The following is only applicable if Wayfinding is being set up as a Whitelabel solution by Purple. Purple will deploy the app and provide links to the working solution. 

If you have any feedback, please pass this to the Purple team via the Google Sheets provided by our account manager.

If any bugs arise while using, please raise this with our support team via our chat functionality on the Support homepage, or email our Support team.


Apple developer account

  1. You need to enroll in the Apple Developer program as an Organization (not an Individual).

  2. To enroll as an organization, you’ll need to set up an Apple ID and pay a $99/year fee. Refer to Apple enrollment.

    Note:  If you’re a nonprofit or government agency, Apple waive the annual fee. Find out more.

  3. When you complete the enrollment process, Apple sends two emails. Firstly, to let you know that you are approved and accepted into the Apple Developer Program and secondly to invite you to App Store Connect.

  4. You must now invite Purple to your Apple Developer Account. Log in to your Apple Developer Account with your Apple ID.

  5. Click PeopleInvite People > add appstore@purplewifi.com as an Admin and click Invite.

  6. You must also add Purple to App Store Connect. To do so, log in to App Store Connect with your Apple ID.

  7. Click Users and Access and add a new App Store Connect user with the following details:

    Apple ID


    First Name


    Last Name



    App Manager

  8. Click Next.

Google developer account

  1. To enroll in the Google Play Developer program, you need a Google account and to pay a one-time $25 fee. Refer to Google enrollment.

  2. When you complete the enrollment process, you’ll immediately have access to the Google Play Console. 

  3. Log in to the Google Play Console with your Google account.

  4. Click Developer AccountUsers & permissionsInvite New User and invite appstore@purplewifi.com with the Role of Release Manager.

If you have any feedback or if any bugs arise while using, please pass this to the Purple team via the Google Sheet provided by our account manager.

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