To get started, download the app from Google Play or Apple's App Store, or navigate to your provided URL using your preferred web browser.
Mobile Experience
Welcome screens greet you the first time you launch the app:
After clicking through the welcome screens, a permission alert may show. Bluetooth is required for indoor location services. Pressing 'Allow' will take you to your phone's settings, where you can turn Bluetooth on.
Once Bluetooth has been switched on, press the back button within your phone's settings and available locations will display.
If there are multiple locations, these can be switched at any time by pressing the map icon in the top-right of the screen:
One location may show multiple buildings:
Select a building and points of interest will appear:
Zoom in or out by pressing with two fingers, as you would for other map-based applications. Floors can be switched in buildings with more than one level by pressing the buttons in the bottom right of the screen.
Points of interest are searched for by pressing the magnifying glass in the upper right of the screen. This brings up the search page:
Type your desired destination. Selecting it will display the:
- Opening hours
- Option to save it for easy recall
- Ability to share the location to others
- Description of the location
- Directions button
Pressing 'Directions' will bring up a screen where you can select the start point from which the app will navigate you to your destination:
Select 'Steps' and the app will show step-by-step instructions for reaching your destination.
Where multi-level directions are required, an up or down arrow will appear on the map which can be selected to see the path on both floors:
Mobile Settings
Press the three lines in the top left corner of the screen to access the 'Settings' option. The following screen will show:
Notifications can be enabled in the form of vibration and sounds for turn-by-turn directions. The latest version that you are using will show, as well as the option to clear your cache. Selecting this will give you the option to delete your map downloads, recent destinations, and search history. Once selected, this cannot be undone.
Web Experience
Key Functionality
- Step-by-step instructions to your destination
- Search for points of interest and custom locations
- Ability to share destinations, through linking or QR code
- Accessible routes that can take into account elements such as stairs, elevators, and rough terrain
- Navigation from offsite to onsite: Get directions from your home to your on-campus location, and back. Directions are provided for multiple modes of transport (walking, cycling, and by car, public transport or taxi)
- Location switcher when there are multiple to select from
- Zoom and full screen controls
Upon navigating to your provided URL, a top level overview displays all buildings in your location.
You may need to zoom in to see all points of interest.
A search bar is available in the top left of the screen for locating your desired destination:
Upon selecting a point of interest, the option for Directions will appear:
Selecting the 'Directions' button allows you to input a start point.
After selecting the start point, the exact route appears as well as the distance and time it will take to traverse:
By clicking on this, written directions will appear:
Where there are multiple floors, you can switch between these by clicking on the desired floor in the lower right-hand corner of the screen:
If there are multiple locations these can be switched between by selecting 'Change location' in the top right of the screen.