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Asset Tracking Implementation

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Adding content

Add a single asset

Select the blue ‘Add asset’ button, then the ‘Add a single asset’ option as the add method.

Next, input the MAC address of your asset. We will provide the MAC address and asset ID. The MAC address will also be accessible by scanning a QR code on the tag which will be placed on the device. It will consist of twelve characters.

Before saving, all mandatory fields need completed such as the Asset Name, ID, and Description. Being as detailed as possible will help users find the assets they’re looking for using the in-built search functionality.

Select a suitable type from the available options, then click ‘Finish’.

Add multiple assets

Select the blue ‘Add asset’ button, then click ‘Add multiple assets’ as the add method.

Download the CSV template and enter asset details such as the Asset ID, MAC address, and Description. Being as detailed as possible will help users find the assets they’re looking for using the in-built search functionality.

We will provide the MAC address and asset ID. The MAC address will also be accessible by scanning a QR code on the tag which will be placed on the device. It will consist of twelve characters.


Once completed, upload the saved CSV file to the ‘Add an asset’ page.

Check the assets you want to include are selected on the import page, then click ‘Finish’.

Asset status

At the bottom of the screen when first having logged in, a full list of assets will be available to view.

The activity will show as either ‘No data’, or ‘Active’.

If the tagged item is on a mapped location and detectable, the asset will show as Active.

Otherwise – if the item doesn’t have a working tag or is outside of the mapped location – the asset will display as No data.



Click into settings using the cog at the top right of the screen.

After navigating to Settings, the default screen shows terms and conditions.

Terms and conditions

From this screen, you can edit the content of terms and conditions, the privacy policy, and the EULA agreement text. You can also select whether to enable or disable each of these from showing when users first log in.

To edit the content of each, click into the name on the left-hand side of the screen.

A pop-up box will then show, where you can change the content that appears. Options include incorporation of formatted text, hyperlinks, and images:


To enable or disable the content from showing to users, click the button in the bottom-left of the pop up. This will switch between ‘Enabled’ and ‘Disabled’.

Once complete, click ‘Save’.

API keys

To generate an API key, click the blue ‘Generate key’ button on the right-hand side of the screen.

A pop-up will appear with mandatory information to fill; including name, relevant product, and expiry date:


Click ‘Generate’ and your API key will be generated.

Please make sure to select either ‘Download’ or the copy icon to ensure you have a record of the key.

After creation, your key will appear in list format. Selecting the three dots at the right-hand side of the screen will enable you to edit the previously input details, as well as allowing you to expire the key:



Viewing assets

You can test how assets appear in the system through two views; Map and Table.

The web view has been designed to scale and be responsive with any size of screen.

Table view

At the bottom of the screen when first having logged in, a full list of assets will be available to view.

Each asset can be searched for by Asset Name, ID, type or description.  Clicking an asset’s name will take you to its current location.

The asset’s activity will show as either ‘No data’, or ‘Active’. If the tagged item is on a mapped location and detectable, the asset will show as Active. Otherwise – if the item doesn’t have a working tag or is outside of the mapped location – the asset will display as No data.


Clicking an active asset’s name will show you its location in real time on the map.

Search functionality is also available above the assets.

Type the name of the desired asset and it will appear. Selecting it at this point will take you to its present location:


Map view

Select ‘Map viewer’ in the top-right of the screen. 

The map view provides a larger view of your locations, where you can:

  • Drag your cursor to see more of the map
  • Go full screen, or zoom in and out using the buttons in the bottom-right
  • View a group of assets by selecting the blue dot. The number in the circle shows how many assets are present

 Assets can then be viewed and selected. Your icons representing each asset will depend on their type:


Selecting an asset at this point will display the name, description, and most recently logged location:


Where there are multiple floors, you can switch between these by clicking on the desired floor in the lower right-hand corner of the screen:


If you have multiple locations, switch between them in the top-right corner of the screen:


To exit the map viewer setting, click the large X in the top-right of the map screen.

Plotting corners of the geozone

Geozones are only relevant for Asset Tracking notifications.

Before this can be implemented, you need to navigate to Maps > Locations > Your building > the relevant floor.  To insert a geozone, click the location point icon 28.pngon the toolbar, then drag the shape to include the desired location. This enables multiple geozones to be present in one location.

Geozone color can be altered by selecting the circle icon that appears at the bottom of the map. There is also the option to duplicate the geozone, or delete it:


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