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Ruckus Unleashed

  • Actualización

Log in to your Ruckus Unleashed interface.


Click the arrow beside the Admin & Services header and then choose Services > AAA Servers from the left menu. Under Authentication Servers click the Create New link. Configure with the following:

  • Name: guestwifi
  • Type: RADIUS
  • Auth Method: PAP
  • Backup RADIUS: Enabled
  • First Server:

    IP Address: *insert radius_server_ip here*
    Port: 1812
    Shared Secret: *insert radius_secret here*
    Confirm Secret: as above

  • Second Server:

    IP Address: *insert radius_server2_ip here*
    Port: 1812
    Shared Secret: *insert radius_secret here*
    Confirm Secret: as above
Click OK to Save. Next, click on Hotspot Services on the left menu. Under Hotspot Servers click the Create New link. Configure with the following:
On the General tab:
  • Name: guestwifi
  • Login Page: *insert access_url here*
  • Start Page: redirect to the following URL: *insert redirect_url here*
  • Session Timeout: 1440 minutes
  • Grace Period: 30 minutes
  • Intrusion Prevention: Disabled
On the Authentication tab:
  • Authentication Server: guestwifi
  • Isolate wireless client trafic from other clients on the same AP: Enabled
On the Walled Garden tab we need to add multiple entries. For each of the required domains, click Create New and enter the domain in the Destination Address field. Please refer to this list.

Click OK to Save. Next, click the arrow beside the WiFi Networks header and then click the Create button. Configure with the following:

  • Name: Guest WiFi (or whatever you wish)
  • Usage Type: Hotspot Service
  • Hotspot Services: guestwifi
Click on the Show advanced configuration link and under the Others tab configure with the following:
  • Inactivity Timeout: 30 minutes

Click OK to Save.


To complete the set up you will need to SSH in to the Unleashed (Master AP) and type the commands below, one line at a time.

wlan "Guest Wi-Fi"
called-station-id-type ap-mac

This will set the correct parameter we require for the MAC of the AP to be sent in the RADIUS request.


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