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Cradlepoint AER/CBR/IBR/MBR Series

  • Actualización

Logging in

Please log in to your Cradlepoint Router.

Wireless Settings

At the top, click on Network Settings and choose WiFi / Local Networks.

At the bottom of the page, select which Wireless Profile you wish to use and click Edit.

Configure with:

WiFi Name (SSID): Guest WiFi (or whatever you wish)
Hidden: Unticked
Isolate: Ticked
WMM: Ticked
Enabled: Ticked
Security Mode: Open

Click Submit to save.

Guest LAN Configuration

Next, on the same page, above the Wireless Profiles, tick the box beside the Guest LAN network and click Edit.

Configure with:

IPv4 Settings tab:

IPv4 Routing Mode: Hotspot

IPv6 Settings tab:

IPv6 Address Source: None

Interfaces tab:

WiFi: Guest WiFi: Click the + to move it to the Selected list

IPv4 DHCP tab:

DHCP Server: Ticked

Click Submit to save.

Hotspot Services

Next, click on System Settings at the top and choose Hotspot Services. Configure with:

Under Hotspot Settings:

Hotspot Mode: RADIUS/UAM
Local IP Network: Guest LAN
Allow Service on 3G/4G modems: Ticked
Redirect HTTPS Requests: Unticked
Hotspot/UAM Authentication Port: 8000

Under RADIUS Settings:

Server Address 1: *insert radius_server here*
Server Address 2: *insert radius_server2 here*
Authentication Port: 1812
Accounting Port: 1813
Shared Secret: *insert radius_secret here*
Confirm Secret: as above
Redirect Successful Authenticate: Select To an administrator-defined URL and enter:
*insert redirect_url here*
Session Timeout: 240 Mins
Idle Timeout: 30 Mins

Under UAM Settings:

Login URL: *insert access_url here*
Splash Page URL: leave empty
Shared Secret: *insert uam_secret here*
Confirm Secret: as above

Next, under Allowed Hosts/Domains Prior to Authentication click the Add button and add each of the required domains. Please refer to this list.

Click Apply to Save.

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