You can either create a campaign from within an e-shot or from an image. The results of a campaign, including the number of views and clicks appear within Campaigns.
Campaign within e-shot
Within an e-shot, select Make this e-shot a campaign and complete the options as follows:
Campaign name |
Name of the campaign to track the number of clicks. |
Campaign url |
URL to send the visitor to. |
Campaign from an image
When you add an image to an e-shot, hover over the image and click Image url.
Enter the required URL, select Run as campaign, enter the Campaign name and click OK.
Amend a communication
If the communication has not been published, you can click the name of the communication and make the required changes. If it has been published you must cancel the communication and create a new one.
Publish a communication
To publish a communication to start sending it to your visitors, within the e-shot or SMS, click Publish > Publish.
Preview a communication
To preview a communication, within the e-shot or SMS, click Preview.
Cancel a communication
Click the name of the communication you want to cancel, click Cancel Communication > OK.